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Thinking About Abortion?

Thinking about Abortion?

With an unplanned pregnancy, there are choices available to you. You can choose to parent

the child, you can plan for an adoption with a loving family, or you can terminate the

pregnancy through abortion. You are the one to decide, even though your family, friends,

and others will give you opinions and advice. The choice is yours.

We are here to listen to you.

If you are considering abortion of your pregnancy, we want to help you understand your options and rights. It might be that we help you with get answers to your questions.

A study on abortion revealed this information:

In the U.S. each day, there are 4,000 abortions and 85% of women who had them said they felt as though they didn’t have any other choice. We are here to assure you – the choice is yours to make.

You should receive answers to all of your questions before any decision is final.

When women chose abortion, 95% say the clinic gave them little or no information about the baby living inside of them. Your decision should not leave you with unanswered questions. As your advocates, we will help you get the information you deserve.

In the United States, 49% of pregnancies are unplanned and 50% of those pregnancies will end in abortion. Of all women who have had an abortion, 75% say they had the abortion because the baby would have interfered with their current life plan, 66% say they couldn’t afford the baby, and 50% said they didn’t want to be a single mother or were having relationship issues.

Mental health is affected by the decision to have an abortion: 85% of women who aborted report having negative mental health issues. Abortion is a women’s health issue, including mental health. When making your a choice for an unplanned pregnancy, get information about options for long-term counseling.

Sometimes abortion seems like the only logical way out of a tough situation. We get it. But you are entitled to know the facts before deciding what to do. What you do about your unplanned pregnancy is your decision alone, and we want to make sure you are certain abortion is what you want to do. We will provide you with information and support to make an educated decision about your pregnancy.

*Source – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention & The Allen Guttmacher Institute. 2013

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