Choice partners with state child welfare agencies to navigate the process to find safe, permanent, and loving homes.
Choice is equipped to assist families throughout Oregon, placing waiting foster children from across the US with families right here in Oregon. There are thousands of children in foster care across the U.S. waiting for permanent adoptive families, and Choice strives to match children who need families with families who can provide these exceptional children with a lifetime of love and acceptance. The children in state custody have a wide range of special needs resulting from varied backgrounds and life experiences.
Choice partners with Oregon state foster care systems to help place waiting children in permanent, loving families. After an adoptive family completes the home study process, they are eligible to be considered as parents for children who have been identified for adoption. Choice staff inquires with the child’s caseworkers on behalf of prospective families, and families have the opportunity to learn about each child’s unique needs through an in-depth matching process.