Foster Children Highlight: James and Santiago
Each Monday we share a story of foster children looking for their forever families. Thank you may be a good family fit or want to know more about foster adoption and the kids we highlight? Call our office at 503-232-1211 or email Julie at You can find more waiting children at

James (7) and Santiago (6)
“I love them a lot, so I know that someone else will, too!” -DHS Caseworker
These two brothers obviously already have a big fan in their caseworker!
James = energy! James is an action-oriented boy who is always up for adventure. He loves to play tag. Providing LOTS of time to run and play outdoors is critical for his wellbeing, especially with fun and invested parents who are up for keeping him company and playing right alongside! A dinosaur aficionado, James absolutely adores these prehistoric creatures (make room for T-Rex!) and loves to share his vast knowledge. James has not yet been involved in formal athletics – he will welcome a parent who is ready to support and accompany him in trying out team sports. He has also not had the opportunity to participate in any extra-curricular activities and would thrive in a family where an adult can get out and play with him while teaching him new skills.
James is a favorite with his teacher because he has a happy and loving heart and an imaginative mind. His school meets his needs for one on one support in all different ways. He loves to play with other kids and initiates play, often by introducing himself, “Hi, I’m James, do you want to play?” James is not a fan of coming in from the playground. James is gradually catching up academically. He learns in short time increments with robust adult support where patience and creativity are key. Cognitively bright, he loves to learn and share interesting information. James is full of his own strong and compelling ideas! As James understands more about emotions, he is able to make more time and room to share his fun and energetic personality.
James is very talkative (especially when he’s excited) and can express his emotions well. He and Santiago can tussle like brothers, but James can be very tender with his siblings. James prides himself on being a good big brother to little Santiago. he is also very connected to other siblings who have a different plan. Prospective adoptive parents will need to be committed to helping James and Santiago stay connected with these siblings. Bilingual, James speaks both English and Spanish. He uses Spanish in the home with his foster parents and with his brother.
Little brother Santiago endears himself to the adults in his life. While a little shy, he warms up quickly. Cuddly and affectionate, his smile lights up his face when he is happy. Santiago loves animals and ESPECIALLY dogs. Do you have a dog? Or, can you get a dog? Santiago’s dream is to live in a family with dogs. He also enjoys dinosaurs and Legos, playing outside, and loves to draw. In particular he loves to play tag with his siblings!
This sweet boy is now in first grade. Santiago is catching up academically, and will continue to make great progress with additional support and enrichment at home. Also bilingual, Santiago is working hard and his speech is becoming much clearer over time.
Santiago is definitely the “little brothers” who follows along (sometimes into mischief) but he also has a sensitive spirit. While his independence and determination are growing, he is typically well behaved out in public. Responsive to structure and clear boundaries, Santiago can be redirected. Santiago is very attached to his brother.