When I first met Gemini, I was introduced to a gorgeous, petite young woman rocking a short curly haircut, with big purple plastic rimmed glasses and bright red lipstick. At first glance, it looked like this girl was ready to conquer the world; so it came as a bit of a shock when talking with her for the first time that she was quiet, shy and reserved.
She was living in a maternity home after being kicked out of her parent’s house and was nearly six months pregnant as a sophomore in high school. The baby’s father disappeared from the picture and she didn’t have much support. After getting to know her I realized that she really does have a big personality- but the thought of talking with a stranger about her crisis pregnancy was pretty scary- and it would take a while for her to come to terms with the realization that maybe she wasn’t ready to parent.
I spent the next couple of months getting to know the real Gem:
The Gem that is incredibly smart, articulate, loving and FUN.
The Gem that wants to be a teenager without a care in the world.
The Gem that also wants to be a mother.
The Gem that was dealing with all the feels of pregnancy.

It was around the eighth month when Gemini told me she was 100% sure she needed to find a family for her daughter; one that could give her everything she just wasn’t prepared or capable of doing as a 16-year-old high school student. It was the hardest decision of her life, but one she knew she needed to make.
Gemini hand-selected the couple that would raise her baby and we spent the next couple of months investing in that relationship. I was there to ensure she felt comfortable in letting some of her walls down and building trust. Gem really got to know her adoptive family and learned to love them as family… and the feeling was mutual. They sure fell in love with her, too.
The day finally came, and they were all together in the labor and delivery room. Her daughter’s adoptive dad was by her side, encouraging her and shouting “YOU CAN DO IT!” while her baby’s adoptive mother held on to her, telling her how powerful and beautiful and amazing she is. Once the baby was born, there were lots of tears- mostly the happy kind- but the sad kind too.
Gem has now spent the better part of a year finding her new normal while also staying in a relationship with her daughter and her adoptive parents. She has repaired relationships that were once broken and finished her last year of high school strong. Gemini has recently enlisted in the Marines (with a little help from her friends 😉) and met what she describes as “a lovely young man who is very special.” I got a text message last week from her out of the blue. It speaks for itself.

We are very proud of the young woman you are and the fierce woman you become more and more of each day. Love you, Gem.
❤ your advocate, Taryn