By Kyle Killebrew, Director of Advancement and Marketing

In this post you are going to learn exactly what Open Adoption is and what your choices are for creating an adoption plan, step by step.
In fact, you may choose that adoption is the best option for you, but you may not. We want you to have all the information you need to make the best decision for you.
Choice Adoptions has over 50 years of experience supporting expectant parents, over 1500 women supported through advocacy and over 1000 children placed through adoption.

Let’s start from the beginning.
You Are Pregnant, Now What?
You might be feeling overwhelmed by how much information there is available on the internet about being pregnant and your options. All of the feelings you are experiencing are normal and the choice you are facing is not easy.
According to the CDC in 2014, 45% of all pregnancies were unintended. This means you are not alone and not the first to experience this decision.

You Have Pregnancy Options.
You have options and choices about how to handle your pregnancy. You can parent your child, terminate your pregnancy or choose an adoption option. Here are some common questions and answers.

1. Parent Your Child
Are you able to raise your child with outside support?
Can family or friends help with raising your child?
What could make it possible for you to raise your child?
2. Terminate Your Pregnancy
You are the one to decide what to do with your pregnancy. The choice is yours.
Have you discussed your options with an expert in the field?
Have you researched the pregnancy resource centers in your area?
3. Choose an Adoption Option
Can you choose your adoptive family? Yes you can.
Are there any costs to me as the birth parent? There is never a cost for a birth parent.
Do I have an option to stay in contact with the adoptive family and my child? Yes, you are in full control of your adoption plan.
If I talk with an adoption agency, will it be confidential. Yes 100% confidential.
Can I change my mind and keep my baby? Yes, you can change your adoption plan at any time during your pregnancy.

In some cases you may have fewer choices if the child welfare system gets involved because they determine whether you are unable to care for your child. You may still have a choice. Adoption is an option. And by choosing an open adoption, you might still be able to have a relationship with your child.
What is Open Adoption?
Open adoption is an option for you to be able to have an ongoing association with your child. The amount of involvement is up to you. You can choose to share emails, phone numbers and even plan times to meet. You can also choose to make it as simple as getting an email and photo update every so often. Again, you are in control and have the choice of how involved you want to be.

Open Adoption Testimonials.
“Our open adoption has been a gift. That our child gets to know and see the mom that gave her life and her bright smile, the mom that so lovingly cared for her in the womb and who will always be available to answer questions, is something we are so grateful for.”
“The blessings that continue to unfold in my birth daughter’s adoption story shows how powerful communication and love truly is. My child's mom includes me, shows me love me, and gives me so much wisdom. We talk openly and freely, with love in our hearts to show my birth daughter, her daughter, the power of love and family within open adoption.”

Is Adoption The Best Option for You?
You are the only one that can make this decision. We are here to support you. Choice Adoptions has expectant parent advocates who can help 24/7.
A few questions expectant parents ask us about adoption are:
Will I ever recover from this sacrifice?
Does my baby’s father need to know?
What if I want to have contact with my baby in the future?
I’m thinking about adoption, what are the next steps?

Here are the steps to working with an adoption agency like Choice Adoptions:
Contact an adoption agency and get matched with an advocate.
Learn about all of your options available with no pressure.
If you choose adoption, you get to make your adoption plan with your advocate.
Learn More About Adoption Options.
Adoption looks different for everyone. You may be interested in an open adoption, or maybe you are not. You are looking for answers and we can help. You have time to think about your options and make a decision that works best for you. No one is going to pressure you.

Here are a few things you need to know about working with Choice Adoptions:
There is never a cost to expectant parents. We offer financial assistance if needs arise during your pregnancy. This could include help with bills, groceries, the cost of a phone etc.
Our role is to provide you with the tools and information needed to make the best decision for your baby.
Expectant mothers can be included in every step of the adoption process. You will not only be allowed, but you will be encouraged to customize the plan that best fits you and your baby.
You can have as much or as little information about your adoptive family as you want. You are in complete control of your adoption plan and we are 100% committed to your best interests.
How Do You Choose An Adoption Agency to work with?
It is important to know who you are working with for your adoption. By contacting an experienced adoption agency you will be able to feel confident in your decision. What should you look for in an adoption agency?

1. Just like every person is different, each agency is different. Learn about the services each agency provides and consider how those services could meet your preferences and needs.
2. Does the agency you are researching have experience supporting women who are marginalized and in need of financial and emotional support?
3. Can you get free access to the resources you might need? Some examples of free services Choice provides at no cost include medical insurance, food, clothing, prenatal assistance and housing.
Now we would like to hear from you.
Hopefully this information is helpful as you weigh your pregnancy decisions. This could include an adoption option, open adoption and choosing the right adoption agency.
What questions do you have that we didn’t answer?
Are you going to research the options you have online?
Let us know by commenting below right now.
You can contact us via text at 541-801-0930
Call our toll free number at 1-866-238-3281
Chat with us on our website at

If you are pregnant and need support, here are pregnancy resources:
The 9 Things to Know About Adoption In Oregon and Washington
You may also like some of these great adoption resources: