Home Study Facts for Oregon and Washington​

A home study is required by the state for every domestic adoption to determine theeligibility of adoptive parents.​
Home studies are valid for two years in Oregon and Washington. Home studies need to be updated after one year to update medical history, background checks, and financials.​
A home study can only be used for one adoption. Sibling groups are considered oneadoption if the children are placed at the same time.​
Home studies are confidential and shared only with the family and professionals involved in the adoption.​
Each type of adoption has a slightly different home study process and requirements. To save time and money, it is important to choose the type of adoption you want to pursue before you begin your home study.
During the home study process, 10 hours of adoption training are required at minimum, and requirement varies by type of adoption.
Home studies require fees to the home study provider, the state, and lawyers or placement agencies. You should budget a minimum of $4,000 for home studies in Oregon and Washington when you partner with Choice Adoptions.
Home study must be updated if any change in the home occurs (changes could include employment, relocation, change in household members...)